
East of Empire: Egypt, India, and the World between the Wars

Stanford University Press, 2025

‘Antique Nationalism: Archaeology and the Construction of the Nation in Egypt, Lebanon, and Palestine-Israel

in Crouzet & Miller (Eds). Finding Antiquity, Making the Modern Middle East: Archaeology, Empires and Nations (Bloomsbury Academic, 2025) 

‘From the Khilafat Crisis to the Arab Revolt: Indian Muslims and the Middle East between the Wars’

Royal Asiatic Society x SOAS Islamic Art Circle (18 February, 2021) 

From Imperial History to Global Histories of Empire: Writing in and for the 21st Century’

Past & Present (2020)

‘India, the Arabs, and Britain’s Problem in Palestine, 1937-1939’

International History Review, 43:3 (2021) 

‘A Tempest in a British Teapot: The Silk Letters and the “Arab Question” in Cairo and Delhi’

in Dal Lago, Healy, and Barry (Eds.) 1916 in Global Context: An Anti- Imperial Moment (Routledge, 2018)